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General Requirements for the Packaging Labeling of Cantonese Pre-prepared Dishes

With the improvement of living standards and the fast-paced lifestyle, pre-prepared dishes have gradually become indispensable in modern households. In the market, there is a wide variety of pre-prepared dishes to choose from, among which Cantonese cuisine, a gem of traditional Chinese cooking, is particularly favored by consumers. The packaging labeling of Cantonese pre-prepared dishes is crucial, as it not only conveys product information but also serves as a guide for consumer choices. This article will explore the general requirements for the packaging labeling of Cantonese pre-prepared dishes.

1. Clearly Indicate Product Name and Brand

The primary task of Cantonese pre-prepared dish packaging labeling is to clearly indicate the product name and brand. The packaging should clearly state the name of the dish, such as Guangdong Sweet and Sour Ribs or Cantonese Roasted Meat, as well as the brand name of the manufacturer. This helps consumers quickly identify the product and compare it with others. Additionally, a strong brand image can increase consumer trust and loyalty to the product.

2. Accurately Label Ingredients

The packaging labeling of Cantonese pre-prepared dishes should accurately list the ingredients. Cantonese cuisine is known for its distinctive flavors, and many consumers have high expectations regarding the ingredients used in these dishes. Therefore, it is important to clearly label the main ingredients used in the pre-prepared dish, such as meats, seafood, vegetables, and indicate their proportions or content. This helps consumers understand the source and quality of the ingredients.

3. Mark Production Date and Shelf Life

The packaging labeling of Cantonese pre-prepared dishes should also include the production date and shelf life. The production date is an important indicator for consumers to assess the freshness of the product, while the shelf life serves as a basis for evaluating the safety of purchasing and consuming the product. Clearly marking the production date and shelf life helps consumers choose fresher products with longer shelf lives, ensuring the quality and safety of the food.

4. Provide Storage and Usage Instructions

The packaging labeling of Cantonese pre-prepared dishes should provide storage and usage instructions. For dishes that need to be refrigerated or stored away from light, the label should clearly indicate the appropriate storage temperature and method, as well as the timeframe within which the product can be consumed while still in its optimal condition. Additionally, simple heating and serving suggestions can be provided to help consumers better enjoy the Cantonese pre-prepared dishes.

5. Include Relevant Labels and Certifications

The packaging labeling of Cantonese pre-prepared dishes may also include relevant labels and certifications. For example, labeling that the product has passed ISO9001 Quality Management System certification or HACCP Food Safety Management System certification can enhance the product’s reliability and consumer trust. Moreover, where applicable, labels indicating honors or awards, such as high-quality agricultural products or green food, can further strengthen the brand value and market competitiveness of the product.

6. Indicate Nutritional Information and Hygiene Labels

The final requirement for the packaging labeling of Cantonese pre-prepared dishes is to indicate nutritional information and hygiene labels. Clearly stating the caloric content, protein, fat, carbohydrate levels, and other nutritional information for each pre-prepared dish helps consumers make informed dietary choices and nutritional pairings. It is also essential to label hygiene indicators, such as “no additives” or “no preservatives,” to meet consumers’ demand for healthy food.


The general requirements for the packaging labeling of Cantonese pre-prepared dishes include indicating the product name and brand, accurately labeling ingredients, marking the production date and shelf life, providing storage and usage instructions, including relevant labels and certifications, and indicating nutritional information and hygiene labels. These requirements not only provide consumers with essential information but also help ensure product quality and food safety. By adhering to these general requirements, the packaging labeling of Cantonese pre-prepared dishes can better meet consumer needs and enhance product competitiveness in the market.

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